A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Taking a photo

This old adage certainly holds for performance data. Looking at the raw numbers isn't very useful. There is just too much data.

A graphical representation, however, can help you to quickly see problems and potential problems. That's why real-time charts of performance data are so valuable.

ChartsGraphs and charts

There was a time when getting a professional looking chart required a trained graphic artist. The PC, with programs like Excel, changed all that.

Now we see charts everywhere. They look great. Caution, however, is required when using charts. They may look pretty, but what, exactly, do they represent? How accurate is the data? How complete a picture is being shown?

These are all valid questions for performance data as well. You still need to know about the data being shown to make good use of a chart.



Real-Time Data Display with ArteMon GPM

ArteMon GPM

ArteMon GPM

ArteMon GPM is a PC program that displays ArteMon data in real-time. It gets its data from the GPM data publisher plug-in. This plug-in supports multiple clients, so many copies of ArteMon GPM can be running at the same time. Each copy of ArteMon GPM is individually configurable.

ArteMon GPM can display multiple charts on the same page. You can also have multiple pages. Access to each page is provided through the icons on the sidebar. Alternatively, the display can show the pages with tabs, much like Excel.

In its Automatic Display Mode, ArteMon GPM will cycle through selected pages, showing each for a user specified time period.

Real-Time Charts

ArteMon GPM supports the following chart types:

  • Stacked Area Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Vertical Bar Chart
  • Horizontal Bar Chart
  • Status Chart
  • Speedometer Chart
  • Text Chart
  • Statistics Chart
  • Scrolling Text Chart
  • Traffic Light
  • Stacked Bar Chart

Warning and alarm thresholds can also be displayed on the charts.

Data Capture and Replay

ArteMon GPM can also save the data it displays on the PC. You can then "replay" this data at a later time.